What Is A Writer's Glory?

So I've been thinking of John Gardner's quote, below, and what glory means, as opposed to publication. To me, glory is the challenge to perfect a work until it sings, and zings, and makes the reader react. I love to hear the reader's little noises and silences, witness the way she smiles, shaking her head, amazed, wondering, or chuckling, tightening her hands, or letting her eyes fill with sadness. Glory is communicating something within me, this art that is more than words. It is telling my story and being heard. It is knowing I have done the work of listening, brought forth my voice, and honed the result. Glory is the beauty of reaching for something unreachable, which in moments shines and shows itself, landing like the miracle of a butterfly on an outstretched hand.

What does the "glory" in writing, art, or otherwise, look like to you?

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