Write the Napkin

If you're new to this blog, know that Mondays are devoted to ordinary things - the most ordinary of ordinary things. This is the true test of our creativity and the measure of our awareness. If we can enjoy and celebrate and describe and revel in the mundane (which comes from the word "earth") of our surroundings, then we are inhabiting our lives more fully - and tapping into our talents.

Today's ordinary thing is the napkin. My daughter loves to take a gold cloth napkin in her lunch bag, a touch of elegance in her school day. A napkin can mean a lot: be it cloth, paper, cocktail size, dinner size, crumpled, folded into an elaborate napkin animal or whatsit, smooth, wadded, tied around the neck or spread over the lap, filled with hidden broccoli, or scrawled with brilliant notes and doodles.

Write (or draw, paint, doodle) your idea of a napkin.

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