Do-it-Yourself Excuse Form

Here it is! An excuse for the hours that have gobbled up your writing/creating time. (The reason I could create this Excuse Form is that I've used just about every single one of these "optional" excuses.)

by Christi Krug

Instructions: circle all that apply.

I can’t write (make a mosaic, finish a novel, enter a photography contest, train for a marathon, sing in a choir, act in a play, paint a picture, write a short story, start a blog, sketch a landscape, craft a poem, write a script, start a journal, practice an instrument, dance, play piano) because my child (family, husband, wife, partner, mother, father, boss, best friend, church, neighbor, pet, job, achilles heel, sciatica) needs me to spend time with (drive, feed, cook for, entertain, accompany, assist, serve, visit, help, focus on, rest, treat) him (her, it) right now (today, for a while, all year, this decade, until our house sells, until after the holidays, until the situation improves, until I make enough money, until they move out, until I retire, until I can’t do it anymore).

1 comment:

  1. I have done this (said this, meant this, thought this, swore this) was true (almost true, virtually true, sometimes true) for me as well! I thought I had all the excuses. thanks, Christi!


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